Edmond Memorial welcomes the French Bulldogs
Memorial students welcome French foreign exchange students and show them around Edmond.
November 18, 2022
This year at Edmond Memorial High School (EMHS) the Bulldogs had the opportunity to welcome French foreign exchange students. From day-to-day schedules to learning about Oklahoma’s history, the French students received the full experience of Edmond, Okla.
“Coming to America has been a dream for me, it’s like in the movies. I wanted to see how it is, and I’m very happy to be here,” senior foreign exchange student Eloane Delapoterie said.
During their time in America, the French students and teachers had several scheduled field trips so that they could see more of Oklahoma. These trips not only taught them about the US and its culture but also helped them to bond with other students.
“Something I appreciated was when we went to the Oklahoma City National Memorial Museum we had the forensic activity and the French and American kids actually worked together on this [activity]. There were different tables and they were mixed together. We didn’t pick the seats, they just did it by themselves so I think it’s good because it proves that they got along very well so I think that was the best part for me,” Odile Fisher, a teacher of history and geography in English, said.
Senior Amelia Aubert enjoyed the museums as it was another experience she was not familiar with.
“I really liked the museums. There was this one part where you could walk through the pioneer age and it was very beautiful. We don’t really have it in France, so it was really interesting to see,” Aubert said.
Another thing that was interesting for many students was the fact that EMHS seemed to be more relaxed compared to their school in France. Their schools tend to be stricter and less organized.
“In America, there are set school schedules, in France, it changes every day,” Aubert said.
The French teachers also noticed some differences in how EMHS compared to their school, such as the dress code and the classroom dynamic. Despite all these differences, they saw similarities too.
“We came to realize that it’s not that different, they do it in a different way but basically we focus on the same things, we have the same objectives, we have the same way to assess what the students learn and what the students get,” English teacher Boris Guillon said.
As the students moved from class to class, the French teachers saw how they were adjusting to and benefiting from their time in America.
“I think that the way they were invested in the class [benefits them],” French librarian Amandine Girard said. “Some of them are dressed right now like American students are, so I think that they are really integrated. It’s a good immersion.”
One host, Carsten Mower, spent his time introducing the exchange students to different kinds of food. In France, there are only three main fast-food restaurants KFC, Burger King and McDonald’s. Because of the lack of options there, Mower was sure to take him to restaurants and Oklahoma based chains like Braum’s.
“We made sure to try and give him as many foods as we could. He liked quite a few,” Mower said.
Overall the trip to America was educational for the students and allowed them to experience the differences between the two countries. This was also a great opportunity for EMHS to spread its diversity and learn more about others.
Contact Adeline Gruen and Hailey Paddock at [email protected]