Do people still make New Year’s resolutions?
February 6, 2023
2022 has come to an end, and with that, a new year has arrived. As students begin back to school, some may assume they have a New Year’s resolution in mind. However, is this actually the case, or has the classic tradition gone by the wayside?
After a survey conducted by the Ruff Draft concluded, the numbers were 94 to 53, with more students not making a New Year’s resolution than last year. With over 100 responses to the sample size and a clear difference, the race was determined over.
So, now that it’s been decided that New Year’s resolutions are on the decline, the question is why? From a statistic run by “Economictimes,” over 80 percent of people that set New Year’s resolutions don’t actually follow through with said goals. With so many people setting goals year after year without actually obtaining them, it’s no surprise most have given up completely.
“I didn’t really have a reason why I didn’t have a New Year’s resolution. I just didn’t want to fail again,” junior Drew Scott said.
Another reason many don’t participate in New Year’s resolutions quite as often is simply because it has become an afterthought. With many ending the tradition long ago, trying to remember it in time to make one proves difficult.
“Going along on New Year’s Eve, I never even considered creating a resolution,” senior Michael Glenn said.
An argument could be made to return to setting resolutions. After looking at some of the statistics, whether local or national, it might seem tough to return back into setting goals.
However, a suggestion for next year would be to set a small goal, such as fewer missing assignments. If one sets an achievable goal their first time returning to New Year’s resolutions, they’re more likely to return to better themselves and hopefully reach more difficult tasks as they build up confidence.
“I felt like I wanted to be more productive, so I created one this year,” junior Ryan Miller said.
With this New Year’s already well past it may be too late to add a resolution this year. However, next year might just be the year people return back to the tradition.
Contact Lathan Pearce @[email protected]