With the holidays nearly here, the season of giving is in full swing. At Edmond Memorial High School, the annual tradition of the Key Club Giving Tree has returned to make sure those in the community can enjoy the holiday season to its fullest. The Giving Tree provides gifts and necessary resources to those who struggle financially and to allow students and parents at EMHS to be more involved in their community by donating to those who need it. By sending out a Google form, and through Christmas trees containing QR codes in the commons, this event can help and reach all students across Edmond Public Schools, making sure all kids in the Edmond community have a holiday season to remember. Students who wish to receive gifts through the Giving Tree can sign up using the same Google form that is sent out to all EPS schools.
When Key Club began around 15 years ago, they began helping out the school and Edmond community who may be less fortunate. With this, the tradition of the Giving Tree began. Since then, it has granted those in need with items on their wish list and items necessary for daily life, making their holiday season brighter than ever.
“The Giving Tree is when we provide gifts for the less fortunate families,” Key Club President Caroline Wofford said. “Gifts can be purchased by outside family members or students within our school by filling out the form sent out to all Edmond Public Schools.”
Not only does the Giving Tree help those who are part of the tradition but also provides the students who are participating in the cause a chance to help out their peers. The holiday season is all about helping others, and this is the perfect opportunity to embrace it. Even though many students know of the tradition, some may not know how to participate or may have not been told how to.
“I think the Key Club Giving Tree is a good idea, but I think it should be more publicized,” junior Logan Marshall said.
The Giving Tree tradition has only grown throughout the years. Although the link for this year has closed, it is typically open from before Thanksgiving until early December. This year, it received immense support from the Edmond community.
“Within the first day or two, the entire form was filled out,” Key Club adviser Maddie Hendricks said. “We have 41 students each with about six presents each, compared to last year’s 30 students.”
The Giving Tree tradition began in order to serve and help out those who may struggle to provide presents and everyday resources during the holiday season. This is an opportunity for both parents and students of Edmond to become involved and truly embrace the holiday season.
“It not only helps provide gifts but also gives essential resources, and I feel like everyone deserves to have access to those things,” Hendricks said.
The Key Club Giving Tree hopes to inspire the holiday spirit and the season of giving in students and parents at EMHS. To benefit those who can not provide Christmas gifts for themselves or family, the tradition can reach all of EPS to help out as many kids as possible during this Christmas season.
Contact Emma Eischeid at [email protected]