Each semester, Edmond Memorial High School hosts its art show, allowing students to embrace and appreciate the artistic talents of their peers. This show consists of all types of artworks from EMHS students, from photographs to crocheted pieces to paintings and more.
Before the art show can be opened, preparation is necessary to make sure it is as successful as can be. Art teachers and students put in the hours of hard work to ensure high-quality exhibits.
“Each year the art department brainstorms new additions and improvements for the show,” EMHS art teacher Chalyn Edson said. “It has been a joy to join forces with Mrs. Ellis and her culinary students [who] serve delicious treats, so the entire art department faculty team makes the show the success it is.”
Students with all types of artistic abilities are welcome to participate in the art show. It does not matter if the student is in an art class or just someone with an artistic hobby; all are free to show off their work in the show.
“My favorite part of the art show has to be seeing the culmination of this community through our peers’ creations,” senior Estelle Olivero said. “From featuring students’ efforts in woodworking, Native American expressions, culinary, painting, drawing and design, ceramics and even orchestra, there’s this sense of inclusivity the art show brings.”
Besides physical artwork, the music departments are welcome to participate in the show as well. This semester the orchestra played Christmas-themed tunes as the viewers perused the art.
“We’ve gotten many compliments from families and staff about the endless talent of our young Bulldogs, including the orchestra quintet that has serenaded us for the past few years,” Edson said.
Throughout the year, art students and AP art students put in the work to produce the finest work possible. At the art show, all attendees have the chance to witness the products of this hard work.
“They [the AP Art students] work so hard during the year and they always have extremely unique pieces,” junior Katie Kinkade said. “I also like seeing other people’s projects that I’ve done in the past because, even though we had the same assignment, the finished works are all so different.”
Not only is the art show an opportunity for students to exhibit their works but it is also a chance for friends and family to come together and see how their student has improved artistically throughout the year.
“I’ve had students draw portraits of their friends, family and even of teachers who then get to see the work in person at the shows,” Edson said. “I love getting to sing praises about my students to their family and friends on that special night. It truly is a night of the arts and you are surrounded by visuals, sounds and tasty treats. I cherish the collaboration amongst the art department; our faculty is a hardworking team.”
The art show is also a chance for students who are looking to pursue artistic careers, as the OKC art show chooses certain pieces to be shown in its show, helping to represent young artists.
Art, music, friends and family are all things one will find at the EMHS art show. Students receive the opportunity to show off their hard work, while family and friends have the chance to recognize all of the artistic potential at Memorial.
Contact Emma Eischeid at [email protected]