Film and television hold important status in many people’s lives. In order to produce the artwork which is cinema, hard work and dedication are required from cast, crew, and all those who work together to achieve cinematic excellence.“The Brutalist,” “Emilia Perez,” “Shogun” and many more were all pieces featured at the 2025 Golden Globes ceremony. Presented to award the efforts of those in the film and television industry, a Golden Globes award is a prestigious achievement. This year, the 82nd Golden Globes was hosted by Nikki Glaser, who brought an element of comedy to the show, on Jan. 5 at The Beverly Hilton hotel in Beverly Hills, California. From Soundtrack to Best Director, many awards were distributed to worthy winners, and with a total of 10.1 million viewers, the night was a showcase of talent for all people, whether in person or simply viewing from home.
There are multiple categories within the Golden Globes, including Best Motion Picture, and is divided into subcategories based on genre. This year, “The Brutalist” won Best Motion Picture – Drama, “Emilia Perez” won Best Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy. “Flow” won Best Motion Picture – Animated. Some films cover multiple genres and therefore received multiple awards, such as “Emilia Perez” winning both Best Motion Picture – Drama and Best Motion Picture – Non-English Language.
Not only can movies receive awards and recognition for the achievements of those involved, but individual actors, actresses and directors can receive awards for their performances as well. For example, Fernanda Torres won Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama for her performance in “I’m Still Here”. Adrien Brody won Best Performance by a Male Actor in a Motion Picture – Drama for his acting in “The Brutalist.” Demi Moore won Best Performance by a Female Actor in a Motion Picture – Musical or Comedy for her performance in “The Substance.” Best Director was awarded to Brady Corbet for “The Brutalist,” and throughout the night other awards such as this were distributed.
Besides movies and individual actors and actresses receiving recognition, television shows can receive awards too. Multiple categories of awards are available for television, similar to feature film awards. Best Television Series – Drama was awarded to “Shogun,” and Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy was awarded to “Hacks.” Actors and actresses in television series can also receive awards for their individual performances, such as Best Performance by a Female Supporting Actor being awarded to Anna Sawai for her performance in “Shogun.”
With every award, the winners gave a speech, often thanking the cast and crew, their parents, and those who motivated and supported them throughout their cinema career. These speeches were a good opportunity to thank those who may not have received an actual award.
Overall, the Golden Globes was a night of recognition of all sorts of talent across the filmmaking industry. The night was a display of many kinds of filmmaking talent, for both those at home and present at the ceremony.
Contact Emma Eischeid at [email protected]