One of the key parts of Swine Week is the night events. Some night events are annual, such as Swine Stock or the Techno Dance; however, this year some new events were added, with one being the Tuesday night Trey Kennedy stand-up comedy show.
Kennedy is a professional comedian who does stand-up comedy shows and even has a Hulu special titled “Grow Up.” Kennedy is not new to EMHS; in fact, he is an alumnus from the class of 2011. Kennedy used his backstory to introduce himself and explain why Swine Week has a special place in his heart.
The event took place in the EMHS auditorium at 7 p.m. after Family Night, an event with free entry where families could come and tour the EMHS campus. The auditorium was the perfect place to host the comedy performance with enough seating for the audience and clear audio for everyone to hear.
During the show, Kennedy told various stories about his experiences in Edmond Public Schools. He described how he used to be a class clown and details about his former classmates with a comedic twist. Another big part of his show was telling stories about his experiences with his wife and raising their two children together.
One of the funniest aspects of Kennedy’s comedy was that he did not just tell stories with his voice: he communicated with body language. Kennedy would often talk with his hands and make various gestures while he told a story or straight-up act his stories out, which would often elicit big laughs from the audience.
Kennedy had no struggle with gaining and keeping the audience’s attention. His skillful performance kept everyone focused on him, and his stories were so enticing that nobody seemed bored or focused on anything else. It was easy to tell that the audience was invested as they would laugh at every joke and applaud whenever the moment struck.
All the funds raised from the show will go to the Swine Week recipient, The Comeback Kid Society. The audience raised money by purchasing tickets to watch for $20 per ticket. There was also merchandise being sold in the lobby and food trucks outside.
This Swine Week event raised loads of money, provided an entertaining experience for the audience and was a great way for families to spend their night together. This week has been incredibly successful in raising money for The Comeback Kid Society, which goes to show how EMHS students go above and beyond for Swine Week.
Contact Paisley Edgin at [email protected]