Marissa Meyer tells all
Author Marissa Meyer visited Edmond Memorial High School.
March 11, 2020
Marissa Meyers first started writing on a “Sailor Moon” fanfiction website in the 90s. In 2012, she published her first book entitled “Cinder,” which was followed by the rest of the Lunar Chronicles. The Lunar Chronicles has recently received brand new covers. Since she was first published, she has written 10 books with her next coming out in November. Meyer is on tour promoting the books in only four cities.
Meyers held two different events while in Edmond, one being a signing where she told an original fairytale. Freshman Stephanie Cromer liked how Meyer’s story was different than the Disney Princess version.
“My favorite thing about the event was that we got to vote for the fairytale and then she would retell it. It was the older version and not the Disney princess one,” Cromer said.
The event was set up by Best of Books. Librarian Courtney Lemmons was thankful for their generosity.
“It was a great event. I thought Best of Books was amazing at bringing her in for us to have the opportunity to listen to her, because a lot of times, you have to pay big authors for them to come,” Lemmons said. “She was free for us, so that’s a huge blessing.”
One of the topics that Meyer talked about was how she starts a book. Meyer likes to make character profiles, figure out what their drive is and their greatest fear. She then starts to write her book, but sophomore Samantha Landis thinks that she could have explained the process a little better.
“I didn’t understand some of her processes, like her writing methods,” Landis said. “That’s just because people work differently, so I don’t know if she could have talked more broadly about the subject.”
Fans of the Lunar Chronicles feel that the characters are relatable, even though the books are set in a different time.
“One is a hacker, but she’s also shy and she has troubles in life just like a normal person, so I like that,” Landis said.
The students enjoyed the author visit. There are no more planned for the near future at Edmond Memorial; however, the librarians are thinking about hosting writing workshops for students that are interested.
Contact Adeline Gruen at [email protected]