Pursuit of unity: The EMHS Black Student Union

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The BSU hopes to reach out to all students and create a diversified group.

Jamison Joyce, Staff Writer

One of the newest clubs to Edmond Memorial High School is the Black Student Union (BSU). They strive to create unity and promote diversity in the school amongst the African American students. Although it has only been an official club for a short period of time, they have already made strong bonds and established an overall positive environment. The BSU is open to all students and hopes to highlight inclusion and the differences of people.

Club sponsor, Michelle Madison, is focused on making the BSU an opportunity for all students at Memorial to be a part of a community and build camaraderie with people who look like them.

“Unity among the black students is very important, there are so few of them so it is great to have a way to unite them and for them to get to know each other,” Madison said.

Alongside fellow club sponsors, Mieke Price and Joe Booker, Madison had been trying to create the BSU for multiple years but had trouble doing so due to the pandemic.

“In 2019, we had a student who was a junior at the time pitch the idea for a Black Student Union,”  Price said. “She actually recognized that we needed a club, filled out all of the paperwork to create it, however this process was interrupted by COVID-19.”

Sophomore Chidiebere Ibe has enjoyed his time in the BSU as a member of the leadership team and hopes to see the club progress throughout his high school career.

“I think it’s great that I can be a part of something at the school that creates a good energy environment for black students and I hope to see the community grow and become stronger,” Ibe said.

So far the BSU has made an amazing effort at bringing unity and diversity to the school, however their goals are set even higher.

“Ideally I would like to see a number of similar inclusion clubs, we recently created a diversity council at the school where I would like to see representatives from all of those clubs working together to create a unified school campus,” Price said.

Although it took time to come to fruition, the BSU is now established and going full steam ahead in their pursuit of Memorial.

Contact Jamison Joyce at [email protected]