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Addison Dry: The aspiring aviator

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Senior Addison Dry is working diligently to gain her pilot’s license.

Soaring through the air surrounded only by clouds and open blue sky, is typically something people only dream about. However, this is not the case for Edmond Memorial High School student Addison Dry. Instead of an average pastime, Dry devotes her free time to learning and practicing aviation.
Dry first became interested in flying this past summer when her family friend who was a pilot took her on a flight. The experience of being in the air inspired her to look into aviation classes, which she now takes at her flight school Alto Flight Academy.
“He took me up on a flight, and I was just kind of like, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life,” Dry said.
Unlike most hobbies, aviation is not an easy skill to learn. It takes time and dedication. Dry has had to devote numerous hours of her time to aviation classes, test flights and studying for ground school.
“I put a lot of time into it,” Dry said. “I study every morning in the library, and I study during lunch and after school. That takes up about 3-4 hours of my day.”
Dry’s devotion to her passion is noticeable to others as well. Avie Cobbs, fellow EMHS senior and friend of Dry, describes how much aviation bleeds into Dry’s life.
“Addison is very devoted to her aviation,” Cobbs said. “She is always posting on her Instagram about it and every time I talk to her it seems like she is studying for the next aviation test. Not only is she devoted to it, [but] it’s very clear she loves it.”
When asked what advice she would give other aspiring aviators, Dry responded that research is key. When she first started out, a lot of time was dedicated to finding a flight school that was a good financial investment while also being an encouraging environment.
“It’s good to start young, but it’s also good to stay consistent in your studying no matter what age you are because it’s real easy to get sidetracked and fall off if you aren’t flying regularly,” Dry said.
Despite the amount of time that aviation takes up in Dry’s life, her love of it has not wavered. There are many factors about flying that fuel Dry’s passion for this particular activity. However, one of her favorite things about being up in the air is how the sky looks once the sun starts to sink below the horizon.
“I love a good night flight,” Dry said. “Whenever the sun is setting and the clouds are just right, it’s the most beautiful thing ever.”
This is not to say that aviation is all that makes up Dry’s personality. Senior Owen Skinner has known Dry since the fifth grade. The duo share a love for music and like to swap songs back and forth.
“She is a fun, dedicated person that has a good taste in music,” Skinner said.
While her flight school takes up the majority of Dry’s time, she makes sure to be with friends and family. Dry enjoys doing hands-on crafts, such as scrapbooking–a passion that is shared with her friends.
“Addison is fun and hilarious,” Cobbs said. “I always end up laughing when I am with her. She is also very creative, and I admire that she owns her very own style.”
That being said, Dry does not plan to leave aviation behind in high school. Her current plan after graduation is to go to Oklahoma State University to study aviation management. Not only that, but she also hopes to be able to give back to the aviation community by being a flight instructor as she finishes up her commercial pilot license.

Contact Tayah Darks at [email protected]

About the Contributor
Tayah Darks
Tayah Darks, Contributing Writer
Hi! My name is Tayah Darks. I am a senior. Outside of school I enjoy reading and listening to music, specifically songs that are within the genre of folk or indie. Some of my favorite authors are Alice Oseman and Maggie Stiefvater. I plan to go to OSU this upcoming fall to major in English.