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Littles’ big impact

Mauralise Mullikin
Sergeant Littles riding his bicycle through the hallways.

One person who helps keep Edmond Memorial High School a safe place to learn is School Resource Officer Bervis Littles. He not only keeps the peace at EMHS but with over a decade of service on-site, he’s a part of the school’s community, thanks to the connections he has formed with his talents.

Littles takes on such a stressful job to assist students. One of the main ways in which Littles tries to help students around EMHS is by connecting with them through his personal experiences and childhood stories. Without finding a way to relate to students, it would be harder for him to provide the support these students need.

“I try to relate with them, so I enjoy sharing my personal experiences with kids so they can understand that when their world seems like it’s crashing down, it’s not actually the end of the world,” Littles said.

Being an officer has changed in many ways over the years as research and awareness for mental health have progressed. Officers have begun to find new outlets for the toll it can take on their minds when they are dealing with hard cases. While many find meditating or yoga as an outlet, Littles has found unique outlets. 

“Believe it or not, I don’t swim, but I can snow ski,” Littles said. “Wherever there’s snow, I’m there, you know?”

Littles is famous all around the school for his antics on his bikes. He is not only certified to ride a police bicycle but also a bike instructor. He rides his bike all around Edmond at special events such as parades and firework shows or even around the hallways of EMHS.

“Just finding a way to relieve that emotional stress is great,”  Littles said. ”Biking is a fun way that I relieve that emotional stress that comes with the job.”

Littles is highly regarded by his peers because of the way he carries himself throughout the school day. EMHS Principal Brandi Wheeler has only been working with Littles for five years now and can feel the impact he has on Memorial due to the relationships has built.

“He is one of the pillars of our school; it would be tough to run the school without him,” Wheeler said.

EMHS’s Freshman Academy SRO Dack Pearson has worked for the police for 22 years, with the last six working at EMHS with Littles. With their line of work, they always have to have each other’s backs. 

“A large part of what we do as SROs is to build relationships, counsel and educate students through situations,” Pearson said. “Sergeant Littles has shown time after time that his boldness and integrity exemplify who he is through those situations we deal with.”

Littles exemplifies what it means to be a Bulldog through his confidence, relationship building and integrity. He shows students how to lead an excellent life through his words and actions all while helping keep them safe.

*Editor’s Note: SRO Littles would like to make it known that he does, in fact, like doughnuts.

Contact Lathan Pearce at [email protected]

About the Contributor
Lathan Pearce
Lathan Pearce, Staff Writer
Hello, my name is Lathan Pearce. I’m a senior, and this will be my third year on staff. My freshman year, I was in the Intro to Journalism class being taught by upperclassman team leaders, and now this year, I’m a team leader. I enjoy writing about many subjects, whether it’s movie/show reviews, features or sports. I’m a big Oklahoma City Thunder fan, and also support the Arkansas Razorbacks. Lastly, I have two cats, Eliza, who is full of energy, and Poku, who’s the laziest cat I’ve ever met.